Thursday 26 September 2013


Friday 27th September 2013

Have been relaxing, catching up with family and doing my washing. Now I'm repacking the van and getting ready for take-off tomorrow morning. The next stage of the adventure. One day my sister Leonie and I went for a drive up Mengler's Hill which gives a view over the Barossa Valley. There are also a number of sculptures at the lookout. On the way home we stopped at the charity shop in Tanunda and she bought an orchid in a pot for $10, for that price it had two flower stalks and three plants.

View from Mengler's Hill

Another view from Mengler's Hill

One of the sculptures
on Mengler's Hill

Leonie's new orchid

Monday 23 September 2013

Kimba Bush Camp to Nuriootpa

Sunday 23rd September 2013

Up and on the road early. Very strong cross wind this morning, thank goodness when I got to Port Augusta the road changes direction and it became a good tail wind all the way to the Barossa Valley. Called in to see my niece and her partner in Port Pirie, great to catch up. Also had coffee with my youngest brother in Freeling on the way through.

Passed by Iron Knob
Arrived at Mum and Dad's about 3pm. A tiring day with much more traffic and winding roads.

Penong to Kimba Bush Camp

Sunday 22nd September 2013

You can tell when you have arrived in South Australia, there are Lincoln Weed roly polys on the road. Sorry you West Aussies dried wild turnip bushes. Well after last night this week is a good time not to be on the Nullabor what with the "purple haze" passing through. Called out to the wharf area at Ceduna to look at a memorial to persons lost at sea in that area. At Wudinna I took photos of the granite monument to the farming community of the area.

Memorial to Lost Seafarers

Wudinna Memorial

Just to had to take this!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Moondini Dam to Penong

Saturday 21st September 2013

What a day this was, up early and on the go. Police  check at the border by a nice young W.A. Policeman. The first stop at a lookout after the border I was given a tail wave by a young calf.

Then from there it was on to Bunda Cliffs for some spectacular scenery.

From there it was on to the Whale Centre and the lookout to watch about eight mothers and their calves frollicking about. Thank goodness for digital cameras and being able to take as many shots as you want!

Bromus Dam to Moodini Bluff

Friday 20th September 2013

At last the wind has dropped and making driving more pleasant. The van is doing well since the last service. Now sitting on 90kph am now getting much better mileage. Need to Norseman $1.70
Balladonia $2.09 Mundrabilla $1.94 Nundroo $1.66. Eucla is $1.94 and Border Village $2.04 and they are 12kms apart. Who's ripping who off?
Tiny Eremophilla flowers at Bromus Dam

Boronia flowers at Bromus Dam

Norseman Camels

Flowering Gum at morning tea

Lake at morning tea

Thursday 19 September 2013

Esperance to Bromus Dam

Thursday 19th September 2013

Tonight I am camped in the bush at Bromus Dam which is 32kms south of Norseman. This morning I did the drive around Twilight Cove Beaches near Esperance, hence the beach photos. Still too windy this morning for wildflower and bird photography.This afternoon I called in to see friends in Salmon Gums that we knew when we worked there back in 1977. Good to catch up. This campsite is very quiet, three other campers so far, the pied butcherbird is currently singing to me.

Esperance Beaches

This captures the essence of Grass Patch

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Ongerup to Esperance

Wednesday 18th September 2013

What a cold and windy day it was today. So windy that there was no point in stopping to photograph wildflowers or birds. This morning I went to the Mallee Fowl Centre in Ongerup. Being the first one there for the day I managed to get some photos before the birds decided to hide in the scrub. Did the wildflower walk and found some orchids.

Mallee Fowl

Native Orchid

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Manjimup to Ongerup

Tuesday 17th September 2013

Today was a day with a mixture of sunshine and then heavy showers of rain. Thankfully the sun was shining when I called at Lake Muir. Found the quaint church in Cranbrook that I had been looking for. Went up the Stukey Lookout near Cranbrook to get some great photos of the canola that is in flower in the area. Had a look at the wildflower display at the Ongerup Museum.

Grey Currawong at Lake Muir

Saint Oswald's Church in Cranbrook

Surrounding canola crops

Stirling Ranges

Orchids on display in Ongerup

Hakea Nut

Monday 16 September 2013

Spring Flowers

Tuesday 17th September 2013

Went to visit friends on Sunday night and then back home by Monday lunch time. As I got home the heavy rain set in once again. This made it difficult to do the final packing of the van. Thank goodness there were a few breaks later in the afternoon. Now packed for take off in the morning. Had a lovely tea with my neighbours last night.

Beautiful Spring Flowers

Thursday 12 September 2013

Magpie Dinner

Thursday 12th September 2013

This magpie was snapped with his dinner that he found in the woodheap.

Magpie Dinner

Tuesday 10 September 2013

White Necked Herons

Tuesday 10th September 2013

Got most of the campervan packed today, just a few bits and pieces to get together. Took the photo of this pair of white necked herons on my way home from town this morning.

White Necked Herons

Flowers in the Bush

Monday 9 September 2013

Cold Coffee

Monday 9th September 2013

Sitting on the back step this morning having a coffee when I was distracted by the chatterings of a parrot. Out with the camera to take heaps of shots, hence a cold coffee followed. Have yet to positively identify this fellow who was alone.

Lone chatterer
P.S. Have just identified my talkative little friend. It is a juvenile Red-Capped Parrot.

Friday 6 September 2013


Friday 6th September 2013

It was a lovely spring day so it was time to get on with sorting out and pack the campervan. Trouble was I kept getting distracted, lucky I had the camera on hand. Was sitting on the van bed with the back door open when the silvereyes were doing their thing.

Feed Time

Bath Time

We are having so much fun.

What's all that noise?

Thursday 5 September 2013

Western Rosellas

Thursday 5th September 2013

Took some photos this morning and hit the jackpot with a pair of Western Rosellas coming to land within shot.

Western Rosellas

Western Rosellas

Bath Time

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Finished Cardigans

Tuesday 3rd September 2013

Days off and once again it is wet and windy. I have now managed to finish two sleeveless and one sleeved cardigan. Hoping to finish the washing and start sorting out and packing the campervan.


Variagated Cardigan

Variagated Cardigan 2

Cardigan knitted with wool from
Bendigo Woolen Mills

Afternoon Storm Clouds