Saturday 31 August 2013

Wet, Cold and Very Windy

Saturday 31st August 2013

Today was wet, cold and strong winds with gusts up to 90km per hour. Branches off lots of trees in town. The guy down the lane from me had a very big tree fall over and crash on the neighbouring fence. They now have more firewood than they know what to do with. Also need a "BIG MOTHER" of a chainsaw to deal with it. The tree trunk lying on its side stands about 8 feet high.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Found the Name

Thursday 29th August 2013

I photographed this little bird in newly mowed grass in a front yard in Boyanup when I was there last week. It took some research, but now I have finally been able to identify it. Such a tiny little bird that I almost missed them as I walked out into the yard.

Yellow - Rumped Thornbill

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Family Picnic

Wednesday 28th August 2013

It was a little on the chilly side this morning, having dropped down to 3'C. This afternoon the magpies came into the yard to feed.

Family Picnic

No. NOT on the Washing


Junior Feeding


Friday 23 August 2013

More Pics

Friday 23rd August 2013

Spent two days away and with the pleasant weather I got some more photos taken. Made the most of the opportunity as it is back to work tomorrow and there are more storms coming on the weekend.

Red Wattlebird


Gorgeous Coconut Ice Myrtle

Native Hibiscus


Rosie romping in the Garden


Wednesday 21 August 2013


Wednesday 21st August 2013

The last two days were clear for much of the day with an odd shower late in the afternoon. Yesterday had my campervan serviced ready for holidays.
Today I managed to get a shot of a fairy wren, either he posed for longer or maybe I am getting quicker.

Aren't I Beautiful

Was checking out the action shot setting on the camera and took this shot of one of the local lads testing out his trail bike.

Monday 19 August 2013

Sunny Day, Foggy Night

Monday 19th August 2013

The sun shone for most of the day, making it a very pleasant one.

Neighbour's front gate


Intriguing winter bark
of a Lemon Scented Gum



Didn't have my camera with me on the way home from work tonight. A near full moon in the sky and drifting mists of fog playing in the moonlight. A very still night, moonlight, misty fog and the call of the frogs echoing around.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Flowering Gum

Saturday 17th August 2013

I went for a walk down the road after work today to get photos of a red flowering gum. Managed to get these in between showers of rain.

Friday 16 August 2013


Friday 16th August 2013

Another cold and windy day, had 20mm of rain in the last 24 hours and a couple of showers of hail last night. There was a dusting of snow on the Stirling Ranges early this morning. I managed to get some banksia photos in town this morning.

Thursday 15 August 2013

It's Cold

Thursday 15th August 2013

Today it was too wet and cold to venture away from the log fire. By 2.30pm the temperature had dropped to 7.7'Celcius and 15mm of rain had fallen. A snow alert has also been listed for the Stirling Ranges.

Wednesday 14 August 2013


Wednesday 14th August

A cold and windy day today. I managed to take time out on the way home from town today and take some photos. Glad that I did as there is stormy weather forecast for tomorrow morning, even a snow watch for the Stirling Ranges. Saw a beautiful male blue wren, but he was way too quick for me. Will need to do some research to identify the myriad of wildflowers that are starting to appear.

Monday 12 August 2013

Another Weekend Gone

Monday 12th August 2013

A new week dawns and the days are getting longer. Yesterday morning the magpies were singing at 5am, way too early. Managed to get in a couple of photos before work this afternoon. These were found in my front yard.

Pretty Pink Buds


Fungi on a Dead Log in the Garden


Little White Star Flowers


Saturday 10 August 2013

Spring is Nigh

Spring is on it's way. Flowers are starting to bloom and the birds are starting to show their new plumage. Today was a day of sunshine, although I had to spend it indoors at work.

Iris in Bud

An Iris in bloom that I
found hiding behind the


Friday 9 August 2013

Sunshine Day

9th August 2013

The sun shone for a while today and I managed to get some clothes out on the line to dry. Last evening when I drove through Bridgetown the town looked spectacular all decorated in purple twinkling lights for the "Winter in Bridgetown" Festival.

Waiting for "Jack" to appear
on next door's aerial.


Thursday 8 August 2013

Trip to Bunbury

Thursday 8th August 2013

Took a drive to Bunbury today to go to our craft group. The weather was better today with only a few misty showers. Certainly has been good weather for ducks as I saw plenty throughout the day.

No picnic in this park in Donnybrook today

Donnybrook Church

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Another Winter's Day

Wednesday 7th August 2013

Rained all last night, have had about 70mm in the last 48 hours.Still no photo opportunities. The birds have spent most of the day in hiding. Weather is expected to clear by the weekend, but by then it will be back to work.

Native Wisteria

Tuesday 6 August 2013

A Winters Day

6th August 2013

It has been raining again today. I am keen to get out and do some photography, although I did sight a male red-capped parrot in the rain this morning. The wattle trees in the area are almost in full bloom